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Wat is WebDAV?

WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is an extension of the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) that allows users to manage and edit files on a remote web server. It is used for remote collaborative editing and management of web content.

WebDAV provides a way for users to access, create, edit, and delete files on a web server using standard HTTP methods. The protocol adds new features to HTTP like locking, file versioning, and property management. It is commonly used in content management systems, document management systems, and cloud computing applications.

WebDAV can be used from various operating systems and applications, including Microsoft Office, macOS Finder, and various web-based editors. It provides a convenient way for remote users to access and update files on a server without downloading or uploading a complete copy.

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CSS | NodeJS | DNS | DMARC | MAPI | NNTP | htaccess | PHP | HTTPS | Drupal | WEB3 | LLM | Wordpress | TLD | Domeinnaam | IMAP | TCP | NFT | MariaDB | FTP | Zigbee | NMAP | SNMP | SEO | E-Mail | LXC | HTTP | MangoDB | SFTP | RAG | SSH | HTML | ChatGPT API | OSPF | JavaScript | Docker | OpenVZ | ChatGPT | VPS | ZIMBRA | SPF | UDP | Joomla | IPV6 | BGP | Django | Reactjs | DKIM | VMWare | RSYNC | Python | TFTP | Webdav | FAAS | Apache | IPV4 | LDAP | POP3 | SMTP

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