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How to create a style table in CSS?

Creating a style table in CSS involves applying CSS properties to manipulate various parts of a table such as the table as a whole, the table rows, cells, etc. Here is a basic example of how to create style for a table in CSS:


In this CSS:

- `table`: styles the entire table to be 100% width and collapses borders.
- `th, td`: styles table headers and table data cells to have a lightweight border, adds 8 pixels of padding around the content inside each cell, and left aligns the text.
- `tr:nth-child(even)`: styles every even row with a light grey background color.
- `tr:hover`: changes a row’s background color when you hover over it.
- `th`: styles the table headers with a green background and white text.

You can personalize the colors, sizes, font and other CSS properties according to your design requirements.

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