How to install PHP on different platforms (Windows macOS Linux)?
What is the difference between `include` and `require`?
What is the difference between `include_once` and `require_once`?
How to create a variable in PHP?
What is a superglobal variable in PHP?
How to declare a constant in PHP?
What is the difference between a constant and a variable in PHP?
How to declare and use an array in PHP?
What is an associative array in PHP?
How to iterate through an array in PHP?
How to use `foreach` with arrays in PHP?
How does the `array_merge` function work?
What is the difference between `explode` and `implode`?
How to declare a function in PHP?
What is an anonymous function in PHP?
How to pass parameters by reference to a function in PHP?
How to declare a class in PHP?
What is the difference between a static method and an instance method in PHP?
What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface in PHP?
How does class autoloading work in PHP?
How to handle exceptions in PHP?
What is the difference between `Exception` and `ErrorException`?
How to use `try` `catch` and `finally`?
What is session in PHP and how to manage it?
What is the difference between GET and POST?
How to upload a file with PHP?
How does file manipulation work in PHP (`fopen` `fread` `fwrite` etc.)?
How to connect to a MySQL database using PDO?
How to perform prepared queries with PDO?
What is SQL injection and how to prevent it in PHP?
How to use cURL to make HTTP requests in PHP?
How to manage dependencies with Composer?
What is PSR (PHP Standards Recommendation)?
What is the difference between public private and protected in PHP?
What is the difference between `==` and `===` in PHP?
How does the spaceship operator (`<=>`) work in PHP?
How does the `yield` function work in PHP?
How to use conditions with `if` `else` `elseif` and `switch` in PHP?
How does the `while` and `do-while` loop work in PHP?
How to use a `for` loop in PHP?
What is `json_encode` and `json_decode` in PHP?
What is the `strlen` function in PHP?
What is the role of `str_replace` in PHP?
How does `preg_match` and `preg_replace` work in PHP?
How to encrypt and decrypt data in PHP?
What is error handling and custom errors in PHP?
What are the best security practices in PHP?
How to protect a PHP form against CSRF attacks?
What is XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) and how to prevent it in PHP?
How to handle large file uploads in PHP?
What is object-oriented programming (OOP) in PHP?
What is the difference between echo and print in PHP?
How to measure the execution time of a PHP script?
What is the difference between `isset` and `empty` in PHP?
What is ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) in PHP?
How to use PHP sessions across multiple pages?
What is the `header` function in PHP and how to use it?
How to redirect a page in PHP?
What is a PHP framework and which are the most popular?
How does the `strtotime` function work in PHP?
How to parse an XML file in PHP?
What is the difference between `include_path` and `require_path` in PHP?
How to manage dynamic variables in PHP?
How to work with dates and times in PHP?
How to validate an email address in PHP?
What is the difference between `COUNT` `MAX` `MIN` `SUM` and `AVG` in MySQL with PHP?
How to use the `microtime` function in PHP?
What is the singleton pattern in PHP?
How to use the GD library in PHP to manipulate images?
How to configure PHP settings in `php.ini`?
What is the .htaccess file and how to use it with PHP?
How to manage user sessions in PHP?
Why and how to use `session_start` in PHP?
What is the difference between `mysql_connect` and `mysqli_connect`?
How to convert a string to upper and lower case in PHP?
What is APCu (Alternative PHP Cache) and how to use it?
What is the function of `filter_var` in PHP?
How to use regular expressions in PHP?
What is the difference between WebSocket and HTTP in PHP?
What are the differences between PHP 7 and PHP 8?
These questions should provide a solid foundation for anyone looking to improve their PHP skills.