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What is inheritance in PHP?

Inheritance in PHP
Inheritance in PHP is an object-oriented programming concept that allows a class (referred to as a subclass or child class) to inherit properties and methods from another class (referred to as a superclass or parent class). The primary goal of inheritance is to promote code reusability and establish a hierarchical relationship among classes, thereby creating a clear and manageable structure for complex applications.

  1. How Inheritance Works in PHP
    In PHP, inheritance is facilitated using the `extends` keyword. When a class extends another class, it inherits all non-private properties and methods of the parent class. The syntax for creating a child class that inherits from a parent class is as follows:

class ParentClass { // Properties protected $property;

// Constructor public function __construct($value) { $this->property = $value; } // Method public function showProperty() { echo $this->property; } }

class ChildClass extends ParentClass { // Additional properties and methods (if any) public function extraMethod() { echo “This is an extra method in ChildClass.”; }

In this example, `ChildClass` extends `ParentClass` and thus inherits its properties and methods. The `ChildClass` can also have its own additional properties and methods, apart from those inherited from `ParentClass`.

  1. Overriding Methods
    A child class in PHP can override the methods of its parent class. This means the child class provides a specific implementation of a method that is already defined in its parent class. Consider the following example:

class ParentClass { public function displayMessage() { echo “Message from ParentClass.”; }

class ChildClass extends ParentClass { public function displayMessage() { echo “Message from ChildClass.”; }

$child = new ChildClass();
$child->displayMessage(); // Outputs: Message from ChildClass.

In this example, the `displayMessage` method in `ChildClass` overrides the same method in `ParentClass`. When the `displayMessage` method is called on an instance of `ChildClass`, the overridden method is executed.

  1. Accessing Parent Methods
    Even if a child class overrides a parent method, it can still access the parent’s method using the `parent::` keyword. For example:

class ParentClass { public function displayMessage() { echo “Message from ParentClass.”; }

class ChildClass extends ParentClass { public function displayMessage() { parent::displayMessage(); // Calls the parent class method echo “ Additional message from ChildClass.”; }

$child = new ChildClass();
$child->displayMessage(); // Outputs: Message from ParentClass. Additional message from ChildClass.

Here, `parent::displayMessage()` calls the `displayMessage` method from `ParentClass`, and then additional content is appended by the `ChildClass` method.

  1. Final Keyword
    PHP provides the `final` keyword to prevent a class from being inherited or to prevent a method from being overridden. This is useful for creating immutable class structures. For example:

final class ParentClass { // This class cannot be inherited

// or

class ParentClass { final public function displayMessage() { // This method cannot be overridden }

  1. Abstract Classes
    Abstract classes in PHP cannot be instantiated directly. They serve as a blueprint for other classes. A class defined as `abstract` contains abstract methods, which must be implemented by derived classes:

abstract class AbstractClass { abstract protected function displayMessage();

class ConcreteClass extends AbstractClass { public function displayMessage() { echo “Concrete implementation of abstract method.”; }

In this example, `ConcreteClass` extends `AbstractClass` and provides an implementation for the abstract method `displayMessage`.

  1. Conclusion
    Inheritance in PHP offers powerful mechanisms for code reuse, structure, and maintenance of large-scale applications. It enhances the modularity and efficiency of code by allowing hierarchical classification and implementation of shared functionality.

  1. Sources
    1. [PHP Manual: Classes and Objects – Inheritance](https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.inheritance.php)
    2. [PHP Manual: Final Keyword](https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.final.php)
    3. [PHP Manual: Abstract Classes](https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.abstract.php)

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