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How to install PHP on different platforms (Windows macOS Linux)?

Certainly! Here is a comprehensive guide on how to install PHP on different platforms: Windows, macOS, and Linux.

  1. Windows

  1. Technical Description:
    1. Download PHP:
    - Go to the official PHP website [php.net](https://www.php.net/downloads.php).
    - Download the appropriate version for Windows (Non-thread safe or Thread safe depending on your server setup).

1. Extract the Files:
- Extract the downloaded .zip file to a location of your preference, for example, `C:\php`.

1. Configure PHP:
- Rename `php.ini-development` to `php.ini`.
- Edit `php.ini` to set your configurations. Common changes include enabling extensions like `extension_dir = “ext”`, and setting the `timezone`.

1. Set Environment Variables:
- Add the PHP directory to your system PATH. Go to System Properties > Environment Variables, and add `C:\php` to the PATH variable.

1. Verify Installation:
- Open Command Prompt and type `php -v` to check PHP version and confirm installation.

  1. Example:
    php -v
  1. Output should be similar to:
  2. PHP 8.0.13 (cli) (built: Nov 16 2021 22:21:41) ( ZTS Visual C++ 2019 ×64 )


  1. macOS

  1. Technical Description:
    1. Using Homebrew:
    - Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS. Install it from [Homebrew’s official site](https://brew.sh/).

1. Install PHP:
- Open Terminal and run: \`\`\`sh brew install php \`\`\`
- Homebrew will handle dependencies and install PHP.

1. Verify Installation:
- Run `php -v` in Terminal to check the installed PHP version.

1. Configure PHP:
- Edit the `php.ini` file located typically in `/usr/local/etc/php/7.x/php.ini` (replace `7.x` with your PHP version).

  1. Example:
    php -v
  1. Output should be similar to:
  2. PHP 7.4.16 (cli) (built: March 16 2021 10:09:20) ( NTS )


  1. Linux

  1. Technical Description:
    Different Linux distributions have different package managers. Here are steps for some popular distributions.

1. Update Package List:
- Run: \`\`\`sh sudo apt update \`\`\`

1. Install PHP:
- Run: \`\`\`sh sudo apt install php \`\`\`

1. Verify Installation:
- Run `php -v` to check the installed PHP version.

1. Enable EPEL and REMI Repository:
- Run: \`\`\`sh sudo yum install epel-release sudo yum install https://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm \`\`\`

1. Install PHP:
- Run: \`\`\`sh sudo yum install php \`\`\`

1. Verify Installation:
- Run `php -v` to check the installed PHP version.

  1. Example for Ubuntu:
    php -v
  1. Output should be similar to:
  2. PHP 7.4.3 (cli) (built: Oct 21 2020 16:53:21) ( NTS )

  1. Reliable and Recognized Sources:
    - [PHP Official Documentation](https://www.php.net/manual/en/install.php)
    - [Homebrew Documentation](https://brew.sh/)
    - [Ubuntu Official Packages Documentation](https://packages.ubuntu.com/)
    - [CentOS Wiki](https://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/PHP74)

These resources ensure that the installation processes are up-to-date and follow the best practices set by the community and the creators of these platforms. By following these steps, you ensure a reliable installation of PHP on your desired platform.

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