Blend mode is a powerful feature in CSS that allows you to apply blending effects similar to those frequently used in graphic editing software functions. They can be used to create a wide range of effects and allow you to control how the pixels in your web page layers blend with each other.
To use a blend mode, you typically apply it as a value to the property `mix-blend-mode` in your CSS. The syntax would look something like this:
div {
mix-blend-mode: multiply;
Here, `multiply` is the name of a blend mode. This example means that the `div` element on your page would blend with the layers below it using the `multiply` blend mode.
Here are some blend modes you can use:
1. `normal`: This is the default blend mode. It doesn’t apply any special blending effects.
2. `multiply`: This mode multiplies the colors of the blend layer and the base layer and divides by 255 to get the result, which tends to create a darker image.
3. `screen`: This mode is the opposite of `multiply`. It creates a lighter image.
4. `overlay`: This mode applies `multiply` or `screen` blend modes depending on the base color. It keeps the highlights and shadows of the base color while mixing the base color and the blend color.
5. `darken`: This mode selects the darker color as the blend color from the blend and base color for each pixel.
6. `lighten`: This mode selects the lighter color as the blend color from the blend and base color for each pixel.
7. `color-dodge`: This blend mode is used to increase the brightness.
8. `color-burn`: This blend mode is used to increase the contrast.
Some blend modes might not be supported in all browsers, especially older ones, so it’s a good idea to check compatibility before using a particular blend mode.