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How to connect to ChatGPT API with Swift?

To connect to the Chat GPT API with Swift, you will need to make an HTTP request to the OpenAI API. Here is an example of how you can do this using URLSession, one of Swift’s networking libraries, below.

First, you need to install OpenAI API. Then, you can interact with the GPT-3 model by sending a `POST` request to ‘https://api.openai.com/v1/engines/davinci-codex/completions’.

import Foundation

struct APIResult: Codable { let id: String let object: String let created: Int let model: String let choices: [Choice]

struct Choice: Codable { let text: String let index: Int let logprobs: Any? let finish_reason: String } }

var request = URLRequest(url: URL!)
request.httpMethod = “POST
request.addValue(“Bearer YOUR_OPEN_AI_KEY”, forHTTPHeaderField: “Authorization”)
request.addValue(“application/json”, forHTTPHeaderField: “Content-Type”)

let body = [ “prompt”: “Translate the following English text to French: ‘{}’”, “max_tokens”: 60
] as [String : Any]
request.httpBody = try? JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: body, options: [])

let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in guard let data = data else { return } do { let result = try JSONDecoder().decode(APIResult.self, from: data) print(result.choices.first?.text ?? “No response”) } catch (let error) { print(“error”, error) }


Don’t forget to replace `Bearer YOUR_OPEN_AI_KEY` with `Bearer` followed by your actual OpenAI key.

This script creates an async POST HTTP request to call the chat GPT API. When the response is received, it attempts to decode the JSON and print it. It will print an error message if something goes wrong.

The `prompt` in the `body` is the message/chat history for the conversation to continue with the text in that message. You can customize this to fit the conversation that will be held with the model.

An important point that you need to consider when you are making HTTP requests in Swift is that they are asynchronous. That means the function that sends the request will not wait for the response and just continue to return. You might need to use `DispatchGroup`, `Operation`, `DispatchQueue asyncAfter`, `CompletionHanler`, `Combine`, `PromiseKit`, `async/await` or other way to handle asynchronous actions depending on your needs.

IMPORTANT: Don’t forget handle any exceptions and never use your secret API key on client apps. Always make sure to make these API calls from server-side to avoid exposing sensitive information.

Consult OpenAI’s API documentation for response structure and other details.

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