Here’s a simple Python example of saving a ChatGPT API response to a SQLite database.
First, install necessary packages (if not already installed) using pip:
pip install openai sqlite3
And here’s the Python code to do it:
import sqlite3
from openai import OpenAI
openai.api_key = ‘your-api-key’
Please replace `‘your-api-key’` with your actual OpenAI API key!
This example saves the entire API response into a SQLite database in your local file system. Please also adjust to suit your needs! The response is saved as a string. You may want to save individual fields in separate columns, or in some other way.
Remember, for a real-world application, you’ll probably want to use a more robust approach to handle database connections and errors! Also consider appropriate safety and privacy aspects when storing responses.
By the way, installing `sqlite3` might not be necessary, because it’s included in Python by default from version 2.5 onwards.