1. `401 Unauthorized Error`: It occurs if the API key is either missing or incorrect. Ensure that you are including the correct API key in your request.
1. `402 Payment Required`: This implies that you have used up your subscribed quota. Upgrade your subscription plan or wait until the quota refreshes.
1. `404 Not Found`: The specific resource you are accessing does not exist. Double-check your URL.
1. `429 Too Many Requests`: You may see this if you exceed rate limits for your subscription type. Wait until the rate limiting period passes and try again.
1. `400 Bad Request`: It might occur because of improper formatting of the request body or invalid parameters. Make sure you are following the correct syntax and formatting.
1. `500 Internal Server Error`: This is a server-side error. If the problem persists, consider reaching out to OpenAI support.
To avoid these errors, ensure that you’re using the correct API base URL (`https://api.openai.com/v1/engines/davinci-codex/completions`) and passing the right API key and other parameters. Also, be sure to adhere to usage guidelines and limits defined by OpenAI. If you’re having continuous issues and unable to resolve them, get in touch with OpenAI support for further assistance.