Installing Django on a Windows system requires some preliminary steps before the actual installation of Django:
1. Install Python: Django is a Python framework, so the first step is to install Python. Go to the official Python downloads page at and download the latest version. During the installation, make sure to check the box that says ‘Add Python 3.x to PATH’ to ensure the interpreter will be set in your system variables.
1. Install PIP: PIP is a package manager for Python, that you will use to install Django. In recent Python distributions, pip is installed by default. Was this not the case or if you’re not sure whether you have pip installed yet, you can check it by opening a command prompt and typing: \`\`\` pip —version \`\`\` If it was not installed, you can download the file from and run it with the Python interpreter, like so: \`\`\` python \`\`\`
1. Install Django: Now we’ve come to the main part: installing Django. This can be done easily with pip in the command prompt, just type: \`\`\` pip install Django \`\`\` This will install the latest stable version of Django. Should you need a specific version of Django, that’s possible too, by specifying the version number like this: \`\`\` pip install Django==2.2 \`\`\`
1. Verifying installation: To make sure Django was installed correctly, you can open a Python command line and type: \`\`\` import django print(django.get\_version()) \`\`\` This will display the version number of the installed Django package, confirming that the installation was successful.
These instructions were adapted from the official Django project webpage ( and the Python Software Foundation webpage (, both of which are prime, recognized resources for Python and Django documentation.
Remember, before you start to use Django, you’ll need to create a new project. This can be done using the command:
django-admin startproject projectname
Where “projectname” is the name that you want to choose for your project.
I hope this step-by-step guide helps you navigate through the process of installing Django on your Windows system. Good luck with your Django development!