Deploying Docker on AWS involves a step-by-step process. Here’s a simple guide on how to deploy a Docker application on AWS.
Step 1: AWS Installation and Configuration
First, you need to install the AWS CLI. Then configure it using ‘aws configure’ to set your access key, secret key, and default region.
Step 2: Install Docker
You will need Docker installed on your computer to create Docker images. Follow the directions provided by Docker for your specific operating system.
Step 3: Create a Dockerfile
In your application’s root directory, create a document named “Dockerfile” This document will include all instructions for Docker to build your docker image.
Step 4: Build your Docker Image
Within the same directory as your Dockerfile, run the following command:
docker build -t your_image_name .
Step 5: Test your Docker Image Locally
You can run your Docker image locally to test it using the following command:
docker run -p 4000:80 your_image_name
Step 6: Upload your Docker Image to a Registry
You can either use Docker’s own registry, Docker Hub or AWS’s registry, ECR. Instructions will vary but involve logging in to the registry and pushing your image to it.
Step 7: Create a new Task Definition in your AWS ECS
Here, you choose the Docker Image to run, how much CPU and memory to utilize, and lots of other settings.
Step 8: Create a new Application Load Balancer in your AWS EC2
This load balancer will route HTTP/S traffic to multiple URLs across multiple instances.
Step 9: Create a New ECS Service
Here, select your task definition and configure the number of tasks to run and where.
That’s it. You have successfully deployed a Docker Application into an AWS Cluster.
Remember to update your task definitions when your docker application is updated.