Docker Compose is a tool for defining and managing multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a YAML file to configure your application’s services. Then, with a single command, you can create and start all the services from your configuration.
Here is how you can use Docker Compose:
1. Install Docker Compose – First off, make sure that you have Docker installed in your system. If you haven’t installed Docker yet, you can check out their official documentation. Once you have Docker installed, you can simply install Compose as it’s a python program that can be installed with the pip command.
1. Create a Dockerfile – Dockerfile is the step-by-step instructions that Docker follows to build the image. Amateur example:
1. Create a Docker Compose YAML – This file is like the central command post for your app. Every service your app needs will be listed in this docker-compose.yml, where you can call them all up at once, instead of having to manage them individually. Here’s a very rudimentary example:
version: ‘2’
build: .
– “5000:5000“
– .:/code
– logvolume01:/var/log
– redis
image: redis
logvolume01: {}
1. Build the Project – After installing Docker Compose, you can use the ‘docker-compose build’ command to build the services in your project.
1. Start the Project – Use ‘docker-compose up’ to start the services in your project.
1. Stop the Project – You can stop the services in your project by using the ‘docker-compose down’ command.
It’s just a quick start guide. There would be many advanced topics you may meet during your use, like “network”, “deploy”, “extend”. Always refer to the official document if you have problems with those topics: