Docker Stack is a group of interrelated services that share dependencies, and that can be orchestrated and scaled together. It helps in managing services that requires to perform a particular task. The Docker Stack is a part of Docker’s orchestration and cluster management functionality.
In Docker, a stack is a group of interrelated services that share dependencies, and that can be scaled together. A single stack is capable of defining and coordinating the functionality of an entire application.
Here’s a basic flow of how to use Docker stack:
1. Write a Dockerfile or pull an image from Docker-Hub.
1. Write a compose file – docker-compose.yml.
3.createNew stack or Deploy a new one.
Here are the basic commands to deploy and manage Docker Stack:
To deploy the Stack:
`docker stack deploy —compose-file [composefile] [stackname]`
To list the Stacks:
`docker stack ls`
To remove the Stack:
`docker stack rm [stackname]`
To list the tasks in the stack:
`docker stack ps [stackname]`
Using these commands, you can deploy, list, remove the Docker Stack and also list the tasks in the Docker Stack.
Remember, to deploy a stack, the Docker host must be running in swarm mode. You can use “docker swarm init” command to enable swarm mode.