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How does reverse WHOIS work?

Reverse WHOIS (also known as bulk WHOIS lookup or domain ownership search) is a process that allows you to query a database to obtain a list of domain names that are registered to a particular individual or organization. This process can be used to uncover information about the domain owner, including their contact information and the other domains they own.

There are several methods for conducting a reverse WHOIS search. One common method is to use a specialized search engine that can query thousands of domain registrar databases and return information about the domains that match a particular search criteria, such as the owner’s email address, name, or phone number.

Another method is to use a WHOIS database service or a domain intelligence tool. These services allow you to conduct a search based on specific criteria and receive a comprehensive report that includes all the domains that match your search.

Overall, reverse WHOIS can be a useful tool for discovering information about an individual or organization’s online activities and identifying patterns or links between the domains they own. However, it is important to use this information ethically and adhere to applicable laws and regulations to avoid any legal issues.

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