To configure the search engine on Drupal, follow these steps:
1. Login to your Drupal website as an administrator.
1. Go to the Configuration menu and click on Search and Metadata.
1. On the Search settings page, select the search module you want to use. The options available may vary depending on the modules installed on your website.
1. Customize the search settings to match your website’s requirements. Some of the settings you can change include the number of search results displayed, the search index options, and the search results display.
1. Depending on the search module you selected, you may also be able to configure search filters, search facets, and search weighting.
1. Save your changes and test your search functionality to ensure it is working as expected.
1. If necessary, update your website’s content and metadata to improve the accuracy of the search results.
1. Periodically review your search analytics to identify any areas for improvement and make adjustments as necessary.