Surely! E-mail forwarding is a process by which you redirect incoming mail sent to one of your e-mail addresses to another e-mail address of your choice, this is done automatically by your e-mail service. Here is the technical description of the process:
1. Initial e-mail address: You have to select the e-mail address from where you want to forward the e-mails.
1. Select recipient e-mail address: After selecting the initial e-mail address, it’s time to choose the recipient e-mail address where you want to receive the forwarded e-mails.
1. SMTP server settings: Once both e-mail addresses are chosen, make sure the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server settings are correctly configured to forward e-mails.
1. Testing: It’s important to test the forwarding function before using it regularly to ensure there is no problem with the forwarding process.
1. Automatic forwarding: After configuring everything properly, the forwarding function will work automatically, redirecting incoming mail from the initial address to the recipient address.