The HTML `
- `action`: this attribute specifies where to send the form-data when a form is submitted.
- `method`: this attribute defines the HTTP method (get or post) for submitting the form-data.
- `
- ``: this tag is used for user input.
- `type`: this attribute in `` tag declares what type of input should be displayed, in this case “text” fields.
- `id` & `name`: these attributes uniquely identify the specific input.
- The last `` tag with `type=“submit”` is used to create a button which user can click on to submit the form.
Remember, the server needs to be prepared to receive and process the submitted data. In the above example, `/submit_form.php` is the server side script which handles the submitted form data. For testing and experimenting the PHP is not necessary, form and input elements can be tested even without it.