1. Use the W3C Markup Validation Service: You can visit this site – validator.w3.org. Copy and paste your code into the box or upload your HTML file, and the validator will check your code against the W3C’s standards and provide a list of any errors found.
1. Use Browser Developer Tools: Modern web browsers typically have built-in developer tools that can be used to help debug and validate your HTML code. Simply press F12 on your keyboard to open the Development Tools and look for the validating options.
1. Use a Code Editor: Some Integrated Development Environments (IDE) and text editors like Sublime Text, Atom, Brackets, Visual Studio Code have built-in validation tools that can be used to check your HTML code for errors as you write the code. They can highlight incorrect tags, missing closing tags etc.
1. Use HTML Linters: There are also tools called linters that can be used to check your code for errors and ensure it adheres to certain style guidelines. These linters can often be integrated into your text editor or IDE. Examples of HTML linters are HTMLHint, Bootlint, tidy etc.
1. Use Online Validation Tools: Aside from the W3C validator there are other online tools that you can find to validate your HTML. Some of these are Nu Html Checker, Free Formatter, HTML Validator Online etc.
1. In the end, always try to follow the HTML standard writing rules. This includes using lowercase for tags and attributes, quoting attribute values, specifying the doctype at the beginning, including html, head, title and body tags etc.