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How does role-based access control work?

Role-based access control (RBAC) is a security system that grants or denies access to resources based on a user’s role or job function. RBAC works by assigning permissions to roles rather than individual users.

1. Define Roles: First, roles are defined based on job functions, responsibilities, and access needs.

1. Assign Permissions: Next, permissions are assigned to each role based on the level of access required for each role.

1. Assign Users to Roles: Users are then assigned to roles that match their job functions.

1. Access Requests: When a user tries to access a resource, permissions are checked against their assigned role. If the user’s role has permission to access the resource, access is granted. If not, access is denied.

1. Review and Modify Access: Access to resources can be reviewed and modified as roles and job functions change over time.

Overall, RBAC provides a scalable and efficient way to manage access to resources while minimizing security risks.

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