The configuration parameters of an HTTP server may include:
1. Listen Port: The port number on which the server listens for incoming requests.
2. Virtual Hosts: The server can be configured to handle multiple virtual hosts on a single IP address.
3. Document Root: The path to the directory containing the HTML, CSS, and other files to be served to clients.
4. Directory Index: The default file served when a client requests a directory.
5. Access Control: The server can be configured to use various methods to authenticate users and restrict access to certain content.
6. Log Format: The format in which the server logs incoming requests, including information such as the requested URL, client IP address, and time of the request.
7. Error Pages: The pages displayed to clients in case of errors, such as 404 Not Found or 500 Internal Server Error.
8. Load Balancing: If the server is part of a load balancing setup, it can be configured to forward requests to other servers in the cluster.
9. SSL/TLS: The server can be configured to serve content over an encrypted SSL/TLS connection.
10. Content Compression: The server can be configured to compress outgoing content, such as HTML and images, to reduce the size of client downloads.