Manipulating strings in JavaScript can be accomplished in several ways, such as:
1. Concatenation: Concatenation in JavaScript is performed using the ‘+’ operator.
var string1 = “Hello, “;
var string2 = “World!”;
var string3 = string1 + string2; // “Hello, World!“
1. Substrings and slicing: ‘substring()’, ‘substr()’, ‘slice()’ are methods to get a section of a string.
var str = “Hello, World!“
var result = str.substring(0,5); // “Hello“
var result2 = str.substr(7,5); // “World“
var result3 = str.slice(-1); // “!“
1. Replacing: The ‘replace()’ function substitutes part of a string with another string.
var str = “Hello, World!”;
var newStr = str.replace(“World”, “there”); // “Hello, there!“
1. Changing case: ‘toUpperCase()’ and ‘toLowerCase()’ are used to change the case of a string.
var str = “Hello, World!”;
var upper = str.toUpperCase(); // “HELLO, WORLD!“
var lower = str.toLowerCase(); // “hello, world!“
1. Trimming: ‘trim()’ method is used to remove whitespace from both sides of a string.
var str = “ Hello, World! “;
var trimStr = str.trim(); // “Hello, World!“
1. Splitting: ‘split()’ separates a string into an array of strings given a specific delimiter.
var str = “Hello, World!”;
var splitStr = str.split(“, “); // [“Hello”, “World!”]
1. Searching: Methods like ‘indexOf()’, ‘lastIndexOf()’ and ‘includes()’ are used to find whether specific substrings exist in a string and if so, where.
var str = “Hello, World!”;
var pos = str.indexOf(“World”); // 7
var isPresent = str.includes(“World”); // true
These are just a few examples. JavaScript provides a rich suite of string manipulation functions.