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How to work with Regex (regular expressions) in JavaScript?

Regular expressions or regex are a sequence of characters that forms a search pattern. It can be used to perform search-related tasks in texts. Here’s how you can work with regex in JavaScript:

1. Creation:
- You can create a regex in JavaScript using two syntaxes: – Using a regular expression literal method, which is enclosed between slashes: \`\`\`javascript var regexp = /javascript/i; \`\`\` The `i` here is a modifier (makes the search case-insensitive).

– Another way is by using the constructor function of the RegExp object. It is mostly used when the search pattern keeps changing: \`\`\`javascript var regexp = new RegExp(‘javascript’, ‘i’); \`\`\` The first parameter is the pattern and the second parameter is a modifier.

1. JavaScript RegEx Methods:
- `test()`: This method tests for match in a string and returns true if it finds a match, else it returns false. \`\`\`javascript var regex = /hello/; var str = “Hello world”; var result = regex.test(str); \`\`\`

- `exec()`: This method tests for match in a string and returns the result in an array format with additional information or returns null. \`\`\`javascript var regex = /hello/; var str = “hello world”; var result = regex.exec(str); \`\`\`

1. Use with JavaScript String Methods:
- `match()`: This method searches a string for a match against a regex, and returns the matches, as an Array object. \`\`\`javascript var str = “Hello World!”; var result = str.match(/hello/i); \`\`\`

- `search()`: This method tests for a match in a string and returns the index of the match, else returns -1. \`\`\`javascript var str = “Hello World!”; var result = str.search(/hello/i); \`\`\`

- `replace()`: This method replaces the matched substring with a new substring. \`\`\`javascript var str = “Hello World!”; var result = str.replace(/hello/i, “Hi”); \`\`\`

1. Regular expressions can be as simple as above, but also can be more complex where you can search for various types of patterns like email, special characters, numbers, etc. Moreover, you can use different types of quantifiers, groups, ranges, metacharacters, etc according to requirement.

Regular expressions are a powerful tool in JavaScript, providing an efficient way to manipulate strings and search patterns. However, they can get complex quickly, so it’s important to understand them properly and test them thoroughly.

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