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How to create a custom Joomla login form?

Here is a technical description of how to create a custom Joomla login form:

1. Create a new HTML module: Go to Joomla administration panel and click on ‘Extensions’ > ‘Modules’ > ‘New’ to create a new HTML module.

1. Add the login form code: In the new HTML module, add the HTML code for your custom login form. You can use the code from the default Joomla login module as a template.

1. Save and assign the module to a menu item: Save the HTML module and assign it to a menu item so that it displays on your Joomla site.

1. Modify the form action URL: Modify the form action URL to point to the Joomla login URL by changing the action attribute of the form tag to ‘index.php?option=com\_users&task=user.login’.

1. Add a hidden input field for the Joomla token: Add a hidden input field to the form with the Joomla token. This ensures that the login form is secure and prevents CSRF attacks. You can use the following code: `CSS.

1. Test the login form: Test the login form to make sure it works as expected, allowing users to login to your Joomla site.

That’s it! You have now created a custom Joomla login form.

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