To translate content into different languages on Joomla, you can follow these steps:
1. Install and enable language support: Go to Extensions > Languages > Installed > Content and select the languages you want to support. Make sure they are enabled.
1. Create language tags for your content: Go to Content > Articles and select the article you want to translate. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the language tab. Add the language tag for the translation.
1. Duplicate the article: Go to Content > Articles and select the article you want to duplicate. Click on the “Duplicate” button.
1. Translate the duplicated article: Open the duplicated article and translate the content into the desired language.
1. Save the translated article: Save the translated article and make sure it has the correct language tag.
1. Repeat for other articles: Repeat this process for other articles you want to translate.
1. Set up a language switcher: Go to Extensions > Modules > New and select “Language Switcher”. Configure the module and publish it on your site so users can switch between languages.
1. Check the translations: Check the translations to make sure they are accurate and make any necessary edits.
That’s it! You should now have a Joomla site with content translated into different languages.