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How to handle duplicate entries in an LDAP server from different tools?

Duplicate entries in an LDAP server from different tools can be handled by following these steps:

1. Identify the duplicate entries: Search for the duplicate entries in the LDAP directory using an LDAP browser or command-line tool such as ldapsearch.

1. Compare the entries: Compare the attributes of the two entries to determine if they are duplicates. If the entries have the same values for all the attributes, they are duplicates.

1. Decide which entry to keep: Decide which entry to keep based on your organization’s policies. You can keep the entry with the most recent timestamp or the one with the most complete set of information.

1. Merge the entries: Modify the attributes of the entry you want to keep and add any missing information from the other entry.

1. Remove the duplicate entry: Delete the duplicate entry that you don’t want to keep.

1. Perform regular cleanup: Perform regular cleanup of the directory to avoid duplicate entries in the future. You can automate the process by scheduling a script that checks for duplicate entries and removes them.

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