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How to migrate an LXC container to another host?

Migration of an LXC (Linux Containers) from one host to another can be performed manually using these steps:

1. Stop the container on the source host:
sudo lxc-stop -n mycontainer
1. Copy the container’s configuration file and root file system to the new host. Using rsync can make this process easier and handle large amounts of data:
sudo rsync -a /var/lib/lxc/mycontainer root@destination:/var/lib/lxc/
This will copy both the configuration file and the root filesystem exactly as it is, to the new host, preserving permissions, links, etc.

1. If your container has a static IP address, you might need to update the configuration file (/var/lib/lxc/mycontainer/config) on the destination host. Replace the old IP with a new one to avoid any conflicts in the network.

1. Start the container on the destination host:
sudo lxc-start -n mycontainer
Note: This process assumes that you have set up LXC on the destination host already. If not you need to do that before you can start migrated container.

Please Note: Your destination and source LXC versions should be same. If not, you might face some incompatibility issues. Always backup the data before performing such operations.

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