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How to configure profiling in MongoDB?

Profiling in MongoDB helps in tracking performance characteristics of operations. Below are the steps to configure profiling in MongoDB:

1. Connect to the MongoDB instance from the terminal or shell.

1. Select the database in which you want to enable profile. For instance, if your database name is ‘myDB’, then use the following command: \`\`\` use myDB \`\`\`

1. Enable profiling. MongoDB offers different levels of profiling:

- Level 0 – Profiling is off and does not collect any data. Use the following command to set to level 0: \`\`\` db.setProfilingLevel(0) \`\`\`

- Level 1 – This level collects profiling data for operations that take longer than the value of slowms. \`\`\` db.setProfilingLevel(1) \`\`\`

- Level 2 – This level collects profiling data for all database operations. \`\`\` db.setProfilingLevel(2) \`\`\`

To set a specific slowms value, use the following format: \`\`\` db.setProfilingLevel(level, slowms) \`\`\`

1. To verify the profiling levels and slowms values, use the following command: \`\`\` db.getProfilingStatus() \`\`\`

1. The profiling data gets stored in a system collection named system.profile. To see the data, use the following command: \`\`\` db.system.profile.find().pretty() \`\`\`

Remember a higher profiling level may affect the performance of your database, so it’s suggested to use it wisely and set it back to 0 when not in use.

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