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How to establish a reference relationship in MongoDB?

MongoDB is a NoSQL database which works on document oriented storage. It doesn’t support traditional SQL joins but uses a concept known as referencing and embedded documents instead.

Here’s an example of how to establish a reference relationship:

1. Create two collections, one called “authors” and the other “books”.

1. When you add data to “authors”, MongoDB will automatically assign a unique “\_id” for each author.

db.authors.insert({ name: ‘George R. R. Martin’, age: 71

1. Then when you add data to “books”, you can include the authors’ “\_id” as a reference.

db.books.insert({ title: ‘A Game of Thrones’, author_id: ObjectId(“…”)

1. You can then use this reference to lookup related data using `$lookup` operator provided by MongoDB.

db.books.aggregate([{ $lookup: { from: ‘authors’, localField: ‘author_id’, foreignField: ‘_id’, as: ‘author‘ }

This technique is called “manual references”. However, if you had a one-to-one or one-to-few relationship you might consider using an “embedded document” where you could put all the data relating to one “book” (including the author) into a single document in MongoDB.

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