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How to remove duplicates in MongoDB?

To remove duplicates in MongoDB, you need to follow a series of steps:

First, you need to identify the duplicates. MongoDB doesn’t support multiple unique keys, so you have to use a traditional loop-lookup system. Run this on your MongoDB:

db.collection.aggregate([ {$group: {“_id”: “$duplicateField”, “count”: {“$sum”: 1}, dups: {“$addToSet”: “$_id”}}}, {$match: {“count”: {“$gte”: 2 }}}
You replace `collection` and `duplicateField` by your collection’s and duplicate field’s name respectively.

This will gather all the documents that have at least a duplicate and output them in an array. `_id` becomes the duplicate value and `dups` is the array of documents `id`s.

In order to eliminate the duplicates, you need to write and execute a script. An example of this script:

var duplicates = db.collection.aggregate([ {$group: {“_id”: “$duplicateField”, “count”: {“$sum”: 1}, dups: {“$addToSet”: “$_id”}}}, {$match: {“count”: {“$gte”: 2 }}}

duplicates.forEach(function(doc) { doc.dups.shift(); // First one skip for deleting doc.dups.forEach( function(dupId){ db.collection.remove({ _id : dupId }); // Delete remaining duplicates })

This script is for deleting duplicate items based on a particular key (field) in the documents. The first item is preserved, subsequent duplicate items are deleted. Please replace `collection` and `duplicateField` with your collection’s and duplicate field’s name.

In order to not make any mistakes, make sure you have a backup, and first try this in the development environment before running it on production.

Also, to prevent further duplicates, you can use unique indexes:

`db.collection.createIndex( { “”: 1 }, { unique: true } )`

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