The OR operator in MongoDB is `$or`. It joins two or more queries with a logical OR operator so that it returns a document if any of the conditions are true.
Here is its basic syntax:
$or: [ {
For example, suppose you have a collection named “students” that contains documents with the following structure:
_id: ObjectId(“123”),
name: “Anna”,
age: 30,
section: “A“
Now, imagine you want to find a document in the “students” collection where the “section” is either “A” or the “age” is less than 25. Here’s how you’d use the `$or` operator:
db.students.find( { $or: [ { section: “A” }, { age: { $lt: 25 } } ] } )
In this example, if either the “section” is “A” or “age” is less than 25, then MongoDB would return that document.