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How to use geospatial queries in MongoDB?

Geospatial queries in MongoDB allow you to perform operations on data that corresponds to points on a surface, such as a map or a plane. Here’s a general step-by-step guide on how to perform such queries.

Step 1: Indexing the Data
Firstly, your appropriate field, typically coordinates, should be indexed as a geospatial index. MongoDB provides two types – 2d for points on a flat plane and 2dsphere for points on a spherical surface (like Earth).

Here is an example:
db.collection.createIndex( { : “2dsphere” } )

Step 2: Storing the Data
Next you should store your geospatial data in a format MongoDB can understand. Two formats are supported: legacy coordinate pairs and GeoJSON objects. Using GeoJSON is generally recommended.
For example:
db.places.insert({ name: “Central Park”, location: { type: “Point”, coordinates: [-73.97, 40.77] }

Step 3: Querying the Data
Finally, you perform a geospatial query on this data. You will use the $geometry operator.
For example,
Finding Places within a given geometry:
db.places.find({ location: { $geoWithin: { $geometry: { type: “Polygon” , coordinates: [ [ [ -73.97 , 40.77 ], [ -73.97 , 40.75 ], [ -73.98 , 40.75 ], [ -73.98, 40.77 ] ] ] } } }
Finding Places near a given point:
db.places.find({ location: { $near: { $geometry: { type: “Point” , coordinates: [ -73.98 , 40.77 ] }, $minDistance: 1000, $maxDistance: 5000 } }
Note: Always consult MongoDB manual for a comprehensive understanding of mongodb geospatial querying.

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