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How to use text search operator in MongoDB?

Text search operator in MongoDB is used to perform text search queries on the content stored in the text indexes.

Steps to use text search operator in MongoDB:

1. Create a Text Index: MongoDB uses text indexes to perform text search. First, you need to create a text index on the field.

db.collection.createIndex( { field: “text” } )

1. Use Text Operator: Text search query uses the `$text` operator to search for words and phrases in the string content.

db.collection.find( { $text: { $search: “search_string” } } )

1. Use search string: The `$search` field is used to specify the search string. MongoDB matches the search string against the text index.

1. Use Boolean operators: Text search queries use Boolean operators (`OR`, `AND`, `NOT`) to refine the search results.

// OR Operator
db.collection.find( { $text: { $search: “word1 word2” } } ) // It will match any of the terms.

// AND Operator
db.collection.find( { $text: { $search: “\“word1 word2\”“ } } ) // It will match all the terms.

// NOT Operator
db.collection.find( { $text: { $search: “word1 -word2” } } ) // It will exclude documents that contain term “word2”.

1. Case Sensitivity: By default, text search is case insensitive. However, the `$caseSensitive` option can be used to perform case-sensitive text search.

db.collection.find( { $text: { $search: “word”, $caseSensitive: true } } )

1. Diacritic Sensitivity: By default, text search is diacritic sensitive. However, the `$diacriticSensitive` option can be used to perform diacritic-insensitive text search.

db.collection.find( { $text: { $search: “word”, $diacriticSensitive: true } } )

Note: You can only have one text index per MongoDB collection. If you need to index multiple fields, you have to do it all at once in the same index.

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