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How can I create an index on an existing MariaDB table?

You can create an index on an existing MariaDB table by using the ALTER TABLE statement, followed by ADD INDEX:

To create an index on a single column:

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD INDEX index_name (column_name);

To create an index on multiple columns:

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD INDEX index_name (column1, column2, …);
In the above SQL statements:

- `table_name` is the name of your table.
- `index_name` is the name you choose for the index.
- `column_name`, `column1`, `column2`… are the names of the columns in the table that you want to create the index on.

Here’s an example:

ALTER TABLE customers ADD INDEX idx_lastname (lastname);
This SQL statement adds an index named “idx\_lastname” to the “customers” table on the “lastname” column.

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