Managing transactions in MariaDB involves starting a transaction, executing the desired queries, and then stating whether you want to commit (if the execution was successful) or rollback (if errors are encountered).
Here is a simple example of how to manage transactions in MariaDB:
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3)
VALUES (value1, value2, value3);
/* At this point, you can choose whether to commit or rollback the transaction */
/* In case of successful execution */
/* In case of errors */
In a transaction, changes will not be made to the database until a COMMIT command is issued. If a ROLLBACK command is issued, all changes made after the last COMMIT command will be undone.
Also, you can use `SET autocommit = 0;` before starting a transaction, which means after every query changes will not be permanent until you use `COMMIT;`. This can be useful when you have a lot of statements in a transaction. In the end, you can set `SET autocommit = 1;` to go back to the default behavior.
Keep in mind that not all the tables support transactions. The tables should be of InnoDB storage engine type to support transactions. Hope this helps.