You can generate a database dump in MariaDB using the `mysqldump` utility, which is a command line tool for backing up MariaDB databases to text files that can be easily re-imported.
Here are the steps to generate a database dump:
1. Open the command line tool on your system.
1. Run the `mysqldump` command followed by the database name that you want to backup.
For a complete database backup, use this command:
mysqldump -u username -p database_name > backup.sql
For a specific table in a database, the command is slight different:
mysqldump -u username -p database_name table_name > backup.sql
In both commands you need to replace:
- `username` with your MariaDB username.
- `database_name` with the name of your database that you want to backup.
- `table_name` is the name of the table you want to backup.
- `backup.sql` is the name of backup file that will be created.
After you enter these commands, you will be prompted to enter your MariaDB user password. Once you’ve done that, the `mysqldump` utility will create a `.sql` text file in the location from where you’ve run the command.
This `.sql` file is the database dump that contains SQL commands to recreate the original database. You can use this file to restore the database whenever needed.