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How to use string functions in MariaDB?

MariaDB provides various functions that allow us to manipulate strings of characters. Here’s how to use some of these string functions:

1. LENGTH: This function returns the length of the string. For example:

\`\`\` SELECT LENGTH; \`\`\`

1. CONCAT: This function is used to concatenate two or more strings together. For example:

\`\`\` SELECT CONCAT; \`\`\`

1. SUBSTRING: This function is used to extract a substring from a string. ‘start’ is the position to start from and ‘length’ is the number of characters to retrieve. For example:

\`\`\` SELECT SUBSTRING; \`\`\`

1. REPLACE: This function is used to replace all occurrences of a substring ‘from_str’ with the string ‘to_str’. For example:

\`\`\` SELECT REPLACE; \`\`\`

1. UPPER and LOWER: These functions change the case of the string to upper case and lower case respectively. For example:


1. TRIM: This function removes leading and trailing spaces from a string. For example:

\`\`\` SELECT TRIM; \`\`\`

You can execute these queries using a MariaDB client by connecting to a MariaDB server. If the MariaDB server is running locally, for example, you could use the `mysql` command line client.

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