1. EJS (Embedded JavaScript): EJS is a simple templating engine that lets you generate HTML markup with plain JavaScript.
1. Pug: Previously known as Jade, Pug is a high-performance templating engine heavily influenced by Haml and implemented with JavaScript for Node.js and browsers.
1. Handlebars: It is a popular templating engine which allows template inheritance and has powerful features like helpers, conditionals, paths, partials, and more.
1. Mustache: Mustache is one of the most widely used templating engines, available for many languages including JavaScript. It’s based on the “logic-less template” paradigm.
1. Nunjucks: Nunjucks is a rich and powerful templating language for JavaScript with block inheritance, autoescaping, macros, asynchronous control, and more.
1. DustJS: It’s an asynchronous templates for the browser and Node.js developed by LinkedIn.
1. Swig: Swig is a simple, powerful, and extensible JavaScript template engine—it looks much like HTML, which can be a pro or con depending on your perspective.
1. Hogan.js: Hogan.js is a mustache-compatible templating engine for JavaScript by Twitter.
1. Dot.js: This is a super fast JavaScript templating engine that compiles its templates into JavaScript functions. It supports partials, custom delimiters, and more.
1. Eco: This is a templating engine that lets you embed CoffeeScript logic in your HTML. It’s especially well-suited for building reusable view components.
1. Haml-js: This is a HAML JavaScript implementation that works in both Node.js and the browser.
Each of these templating engines has their own benefits and drawbacks and the use of a specific one depends mostly on the requirements of the particular project.