Node Package Manager, commonly known as NPM, is the default package manager for the JavaScript runtime environment Node.js. It is a large database of public and premium packages, making it the world’s largest software registry.
You can access these packages, which are reusable pieces of code, through the NPM registry. Developers can use these packages in their own programs to save time and effort on writing routine pieces of codes or frameworks.
Key features and capabilities of NPM include:
1. Package Installation: NPM allows you to install packages that are essential for your project. You can also specify which version of a package you want to install.
1. Package Uninstallation: If you no longer need a package, NPM provides a straightforward process for uninstalling it.
1. Updating Packages: NPM enables you to update any out-of-date packages with a single command.
1. Creating New Packages: With NPM, you can create a new package and include it in the NPM registry for other developers to use.
1. Managing Project Dependencies: NPM automatically manages project dependencies.
1. Running scripts: NPM can run scripts defined in the package.
1. Semantic Versioning: Packages in the registry follow semantic versioning rules, making dependencies predictable.
NPM also includes a command-line client that developers use to install, manage, and publish their packages. It ensures the reliability, consistency, and performance of the packages that are included in your applications.
In Node.js projects, NPM uses a file called package.json to list all dependencies (the packages your project relies on), as well as other metadata about the project. It allows other developers to understand your project better and get set up quickly.