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How do I install OpenVZ on my Linux system?

Before starting the installation process, make sure your system meets the minimum requirements and is updated.

For this guide, I will make use of CentOS 7 as an example.

Here is the step by step process to install OpenVZ on CentOS 7:

1. Update Your System:

Run the following commands to update all the installed packages of your system. \`\`\`bash yum -y update yum -y upgrade \`\`\`

1. Disable SELinux:

Open `/etc/sysconfig/selinux` file: \`\`\`bash vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux \`\`\` And set the SELINUX to disabled: \`\`\`bash SELINUX=disabled \`\`\` Save and close the file. Then, reboot your system to apply the changes.

1. Install OpenVZ:

First, download OpenVZ repository: \`\`\`bash wget http://download.openvz.org/openvz.repo \`\`\` Move the downloaded repository to `/etc/yum.repos.d/`directory: \`\`\`bash mv openvz.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/ \`\`\` Then install OpenVZ kernel by running: \`\`\`bash yum -y install vzkernel \`\`\`

1. Install additional tools:

Use the following command to install OpenVZ tools: \`\`\`bash yum -y install vzctl vzquota ploop \`\`\`

1. Configure OpenVZ kernel:

Open `/etc/sysctl.conf` file: \`\`\`bash vi /etc/sysctl.conf \`\`\` Add the following lines: \`\`\`bash net.ipv4.ip\_forward = 1 net.ipv6.conf.default.forwarding = 1 net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1 net.ipv4.conf.default.proxy\_arp = 0 net.ipv4.conf.all.rp\_filter = 1 kernel.sysrq = 1 net.ipv4.conf.default.send\_redirects = 1 net.ipv4.conf.all.send\_redirects = 0 net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore\_broadcasts=1 \`\`\` These configurations will be loaded every time your server is started.

1. Now, apply the kernel parameters using the following command: \`\`\`bash sysctl -p \`\`\`

1. Reboot the System:

Restart your system to load the new kernel: \`\`\`bash reboot \`\`\`

After reboot, verify that the correct kernel is loaded:
uname -r
The output should begin with “2.6.32”. This shows that OpenVZ kernel is loaded correctly.

Congratulations! OpenVZ is now installed on your system.

Additional step:

1. Download OS Template:

You can download any OS templates to create a virtual server. To download the CentOS 7 OS template, use the following command: \`\`\`bash wget https://download.openvz.org/template/precreated/contrib/centos-7-x86\_64-minimal.tar.gz -P /vz/template/cache/ \`\`\`

This template can be used to create a CentOS 7 virtual server. You can repeat this step to download additional templates as per your requirement.

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