OpenVZ or Ovzkernel is a product used to create multiple secured, isolated Linux containers on a single physical server. It enables server virtualization that’s designed to make the most effective use of resources.
To enable or disable the availability of `ovzkernel` with the `yum` package manager, you will need to edit the repository file where the package is located.
These are the general steps:
1. Open the terminal or SSH into your server.
2. Using your preferred text editor (like `vi`, `nano` etc.), open the repository file. Usually, these files are located in the `/etc/yum.repos.d/` directory.
For example:
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/openvz.repo
1. Inside the repository file, find the `[openvz-kernel-rhel6]` section (or similar, depending on your operating system). Under this section, there’s an `enabled` setting, for example:
name=OpenVZ RHEL6-based kernel
1. To disable the ovzkernel availability, change the `enabled=1` line to `enabled=0`.
1. Save the file and exit the text editor.
1. Run `yum clean all` to clean the yum cache.
1. You can then run `yum repolist` to see which repositories are enabled and `yum` will only use the enabled repositories for its operations.
Remember to replace `openvz.repo` and `[openvz-kernel-rhel6]` with actual name of your repository file and section.