1. Log into the OpenVZ host server.
1. Find the VEID (Virtual Environment ID) of the container, this can be done by using the command:
$ vzlist -a
From the output of this command, you should see your VEID.
1. Next, you can increase the disk space of the container by running:
$ vzctl set VEID —diskspace NUM_OF_GB
Replace `VEID` with the actual ID of your container and `NUM_OF_GB` with the number of gigabytes you want to set for the container.
1. OpenVZ comes with disk inodes limitations, you might also want to set this with:
$ vzctl set VEID —diskinodes NUM_OF_INODES
The `NUM_OF_INODES` value should also be declared accordingly.
1. And finally save the changes:
$ vzctl set VEID —save
This will save all changes and they will persist even after a system reboot.
Please be careful with the commands! Improper usage might lead to damaging your Virtual Environments.