In order to install packages inside an OpenVZ container, you need to have access to the container itself, this requires a user account with sudo permissions or root privileges. Here is a step-by-step guide:
1. Firstly, access the OpenVZ container. This can be done using the following command:
\`\`\`bash vzctl enter [Container\_ID] \`\`\` In the command, replace `[Container_ID]` with the ID of the container that you want to enter.1. Once you’re inside the container, you can install packages as you would on any other Linux system. For example, if your container is running a distribution that uses Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) such as Debian or Ubuntu, then you can use the `apt-get` command to install packages.
\`\`\`bash apt-get update apt-get install [package\_name] \`\`\` If your container is running a distribution that uses Yellowdog Updater, Modified (YUM) such as CentOS, then you can use `yum` to install packages. \`\`\`bash yum update yum install [package\_name] \`\`\` If the package manager is `dnf` (Dandified YUM), which is used in Fedora, you can install packages with the following commands: \`\`\`bash dnf update dnf install [package\_name] \`\`\`In all the commands, replace `[package_name]` with the name of the software package you want to install.
Note: In some cases, you might need to use `sudo` before the commands if you’re not logged in as the root user.