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How to manage multiple container environments with OpenVZ?

With OpenVZ, you can easily manage multiple container environments thanks to its robust management tools and features. Here’s how:

1. Installation: First, make sure OpenVZ is properly installed on your server. If not, install it using appropriate package manager such as yum or apt-get.

1. Create a Container: Create a new container by using the “vzctl create” command, where you specify the ID and the OS template for the container. For example, “vzctl create 101 —ostemplate debian-8.0”

1. Start the Container: Once the container is created, you can start it by using the “vzctl start” command. For example, “vzctl start 101”

1. Setting up the Container: You can set the hostname, IP address and nameserver for the container by using the “vzctl set” command.

For example, to set the hostname: “vzctl set 101 —hostname myhost —save” And, to set the IP and nameserver: “vzctl set 101 —ipadd —nameserver —save”

1. Enter the Container: You can access the container by using the “vzctl enter” command. For example, “vzctl enter 101”. Now, you can install, update, or configure any software inside the container.

1. Stop the Container: You can stop a running container with the “vzctl stop” command. For example, “vzctl stop 101”

1. Delete the Container: If you no longer need the container, you can delete it with the “vzctl destroy” command. For example, “vzctl destroy 101”.

Additionally, OpenVZ also provides a web-based interface, called Virtuozzo, which allows you to manage various containers through a graphical interface. Through this tool, you can easily create, start, stop, restart, enter and delete containers, manage IP addresses of containers, and much more.

Remember, whenever you make a change to any of a container’s resources or settings, always save the changes with —save flag to make the settings persistent across reboots. Otherwise, the changes will be discarded after a reboot.

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