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How are arrays and strings handled in Reactjs?

In ReactJS, you can handle arrays and strings in different ways.

1. Arrays: An array in ReactJS is commonly used to store (and later display) a list of items. You can create an array in your component’s state, typically using the useState or this.state methods. Making use of the JavaScript `.map() function`, you can iterate over your array to generate a new array of JSX elements.

For example,

const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

const listItems = numbers.map((number) =>

  • {number}

  • );


    , document.getElementById(‘root’)
    Don’t forget to assign a unique `key` prop to each child in an array or iterator, otherwise React will throw a warning.

    1. Strings: Strings can be rendered directly in your JSX, and can also be passed as a prop to a child component. You can use them dynamically in your JSX code. For instance:

    const name = ‘Josh Perez’;

    const element =

    Hello, {name}


    ReactDOM.render( element, document.getElementById(‘root’)
    Here, the `name` string is embedded in a JSX element using curly braces.

    Please note that ReactJS XSS (Cross-site Scripting) protects from injection attacks. It means that you can safely embed user input in JSX, as it will be displayed as pure text and not as code.

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