1. Familiarize Yourself with JavaScript: React is entirely based on JavaScript. Hence, the very first step to get started with Reactjs is learning JavaScript. Deeply understanding JavaScript concepts like variables, loops, functions, and types is vital. You should also be familiar with ES6 features such as arrow functions, classes, destructuring, default parameters, array methods (like .map() and .filter()), promises, async/await, and modules.
1. Learn HTML and CSS: Learning HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is fundamental because React is utilized to build user interfaces. You can learn how to code HTML and CSS from various online platforms available free/paid.
1. Learn React Fundamentals: React has its library that makes the development of interactive UIs a breeze. Learn about JSX, components, state, props, and React’s component lifecycle.
1. Install Node.js and npm: React and its dependencies run on these JavaScript programs. You can download Node.js on the official website, and npm comes with it.
1. Start Building with Create React App: The official React documentation recommends this as the