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How to handle transitions between routes in Reactjs?

There are several ways to handle transitions between routes in React.

1. React-Router Transition: This package makes managing transitions in react-router much simpler. Each view can specify a set of styles and animations to be applied to it during navigation.

Here is a usage example with hooks: \`\`\`jsx import React from ‘react‘ import { useTransition, animated } from ‘react-spring‘ import { useLocation } from ‘react-router-dom’ function App({location}){ const transitions = useTransition(location, location => location.pathname, { from: { opacity: 0 }, enter: { opacity: 1 }, leave: { opacity: 0 }, }) return transitions.map(({ item: location, props, key }) => ( // add more routes as needed )) } \`\`\`

1. React-Router-DOM: This provides all the tools necessary to create transitions between routes. The “Switch” component provided by react-router-dom allows to group “Route” components and manage transitions.

Example: \`\`\`jsx import { BrowserRouter as Router, Switch, Route } from “react-router-dom”; function App() { return ( ); } \`\`\`

1. React Transition Group: This is a set of components for managing component states (including mounting and unmounting) over time, specifically designed with animation in mind.

Example: \`\`\`jsx import { CSSTransition, TransitionGroup } from “react-transition-group”; function AnimationExample() { return ( ( )}/> ) } \`\`\`

Remember, in order to create smooth transitions, you’ll often need to use CSS or a JavaScript animation library like react-spring or Framer Motion, in combination with these tools. Just using the routing libraries won’t provide animations by themselves.

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