Redux Saga is a middleware library used to handle side effects in your Redux app, such as asynchronous actions like data fetching, caching, etc.
To use Redux Saga, follow these steps:
Step 1: Install Redux Saga
The first step is to install Redux Saga as a part of your project dependencies. You can add it to your project using npm or yarn.
For npm:
npm install —save redux-sagaFor yarn:
yarn add redux-sagaStep 2: Import and Connect Redux Saga Middleware
The next step is to import the redux-saga dependencies in your Redux store and then to create a saga middleware.
Include the sagaMiddleware to your Redux app middlewares list. Redux applyMiddlewares will be used for redux-saga as middleware.
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from ‘redux’; const store = createStore( reducer, applyMiddleware(sagaMiddleware) );Step 3: Write Sagas
Sagas are like separate threads in your application that’s solely responsible for side effects. You write sagas in JavaScript generator functions (function) and use `yield` keyword to pause and resume their execution.
Step 4: Run Sagas
The saga middleware provides a method called `run` that serves to run your Saga. To block the Saga Middleware until all the Sagas have been started, you will invoke the `run` method.
And you’re done! You have implemented and used Redux Saga to handle the side effects of your Redux application.
Remember that this is just a very basic introduction to Redux Saga. It’s a very powerful tool with a lot more features like sagas composition, error handling, saga testing, cancellation, etc.