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How to use the principle of modularity in Reactjs?

Modularity in ReactJS means breaking down your application into smaller, reusable components. This not only makes your code cleaner and easier to manage, but it also improves productivity as components can be reused throughout your application. Here’s a simple example showing how one might use modularity in ReactJS:

1. Firstly, install react using the following command: \`\`\` npx create-react-app modular-app \`\`\`
1. Navigate to `src` folder and create a new folder called `components`, this is where we will create all our components.
2. Create a new component inside `components` folder. For example, we create a new file `Header.js`. This component will be a simple functional component that displays a heading: \`\`\`jsx import React from ‘react’;

const Header = () => { return

Hello, I’m a Header Component

; } export default Header; \`\`\` 1. Now navigate back to `App.js` and import the Header component at the top of your file like so: \`\`\`jsx import Header from ‘./components/Header’; \`\`\` 1. You can use the Header component anywhere within your `App.js` now like an HTML tag: \`\`\`jsx import React from ‘react’; import Header from ‘./components/Header’; function App() { return (
); } export default App; \`\`\` 1. Run your app using `npm start` and you will see your Header component rendered to the screen.

This is a simple example of how you might use modularity in React. When building larger applications, you would have many components in your components folder, each with their own specific functionality and all being imported and used within your main App component or within other smaller components.

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