Class Components:
1. Class components are regular JavaScript classes that extend from React.Component.
2. They have a render method that specifies how the UI should be rendered.
3. Class components have lifecycle methods like componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, etc.
4. State and props are accessed with “this.state” and “this.props”.
5. They can hold and manage local state.
6. They can handle subscriptions or side effects in lifecycle methods.
Functional Components:
1. Functional components are just regular JavaScript functions.
2. Functional components either return some JSX or call the render method and then return some JSX.
3. Earlier, functional components did not have lifecycle methods, but the introduction of Hooks in React 16.8 allows functional components to have lifecycle behavior.
4. State and props are accessed as properties passed down to functions.
5. With the help of React hooks (useState, useEffect), they can now hold and manage local state and side effects.
6. Functional components are often easier to read and understand than class components.