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What is link juice in SEO?

Link juice is a term used in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that refers to the value or equity passed from one page or site to another. These equity transfers are commonly referred to as “link juice” and are integral to improving one’s ranking in search engines.

Link juice flow can happen through a variety of link types such as inbound links, outbound links, and even internal links. For instance, when website A links to website B, it passes link juice to site B. Consequently, the more website A is considered authoritative and trustworthy by search engines, the more juice it can pass and thus positively influence website B’s ranking and visibility.

However, it’s important to note that not all links pass link juice. Nofollow links, for instance, don’t contribute to link juice as search engines typically ignore them while crawling a page.

There are several ways to optimize the link juice your site receives or gives. One way is through producing high-quality content that others will naturally want to link to. This will help increase the authority of your page, thus generating more link juice.

Internal linking is also an effective strategy. By providing links to your own high-quality content, you’re not only enhancing your user’s experience but also keeping the link juice circulating within your site.

Moreover, getting inbound links from authoritative sites can give your SEO ranking a significant boost. That’s mainly because search engines, such as Google, consider an inbound link from a high-quality site as a vote of confidence in your content, giving you more link juice.

It’s important to note though that while link juice is an important element, it’s certainly not the only aspect to focus on in SEO. Other key ingredients include mobile-first user experience, page speed, domain age, URL, and authority, technical SEO, social signals, real business information, and many more.

To conclude, link juice represents the equity that your webpage can acquire from others through linked content. While it’s a powerful tool to enhance your SEO, focusing solely on link juice rather than on creating quality content and a compelling user experience can backfire.

- Rebecca Gil’s post on WebFX, What is link juice & How Does It Influence SEO
- Ryan Shelley’s article on Search Engine Land, The Importance of Link Equity & How Do You Benefit
- “Link schemes” article on Google Search Central:
- “PageRank” on Wikipedia:

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